How I can help you? How you can help me?

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me realize and put into words my passions. Without your insights, it may have taken me a very long time to figure things out.

Second, Thank you to those who have made this transition easier. It appears I have opened the doors a little more for those who weren’t able to see me because of the time commitments and conflicts with work and school.

Third, thank you to those who are helping me improve my business and spirituality. I don’t think one would show improvements without the others influence.

Ok. Ok. On with the post. 🙂

How can I help you?

In my last post, I let everyone know about my realized passion and purpose. How does that affect you? Well, how many families do you know that are trying to deal with ADHD, Allergies or Autism?

Are you a teacher, co-worker or employer? Do these kids/families take more of your time and attention because they are constantly having discipline issues or seeing the doctor or therapist? Do you have to cover for the parents or spend more time with the child?

What if these kids could be helped so that they aren’t causing a disruption or needing extra help all the time or missing school and needing to make things up? What if the parent’s weren’t missing work all the time for these issues?

How would that affect your life/company?

-More time to spend with family and less time with the school for discipline issues, tutors, etc.

-More productivity from the parents as there would be worrying less and taking less time away from work.

-For the schools, less time on discipline issues and trying to catch kids up because of missed work. Fewer disruptions in the classroom. A student who is more able to learn and easier to communicate with.

What other benefits could you see for yourself, the child, the school, or the employer?

How can you help me?

I’m looking to build relationships with the different schools and parents. The more I talk to people about these issues, the more I realize that people aren’t told they have options and alternatives. I have a greater understanding of what the drugs do to the child and their families. I also know there is a much safer way of addressing the bodily issues that kids are dealing with.

Hope. Safety. Improvement. These are the things I want to share with the kids, parents, and schools.

If you feel this is something that could benefit yourself, your child or your school, I would love an introduction to the child, parent, teacher, counselor and superintendent that you feel would be interested in an alternative.

Thank you for helping me help you.

Dr. Sarah

dr sarah wilmsmeyer


Dr. Sarah is a Doctor of Pharmacist and a professionally trained nutritionist helping people identify the root causes of illness and helping people find solutions. She specializes in communicating with the body and asking the body what it needs handled. For more information on how this could benefit you, please schedule an initial consultation and read the Patient Orientation.