How to have fun in the sun!
It’s that time of year where we head out into the sun to enjoy outdoor barbecues, swimming, vacations and sun bathing. If you are anything like me, I grew up spending my summers at the pool. There are quite a few summers I recall being so super dark from the sun and being proud of my first sunburn. Everyone always told me to be sure I wore sunscreen to protect myself from cancer. Little did I know that my years as a child of being in the sun would eventually lead to sun rash in some of my final years of being a lifeguard.
Hopefully to spare some of you the sun effects that I have, I wanted to share how to have fun in the sun from a nutritional, non-chemical kind of way. Why? There is quite a bit of debate out there about your typical sunscreens and what they prevent so how about a few alternatives, eh? One of my favorite resources is They even have a specific sunscreen sheet and rates the various brands so you can find something that is acceptable to you. The huge thing here is knowing what you are doing and simply not accepting modern advertising as the know all to what is best for you.
Did you know that sunscreen isn’t all it’s cracked up to be anyways? There are lots of ways to reduce sun exposure so a few things to keep in mind include: clothes, shade, sun glasses, playing in the early morning or evening hours, and/or check the UV index.
Another great way to help you body from the inside is by utilizing a few of the Standard Process supplements. Some people will utilize various ratios but what seems to be quite effective is taking Cataplex F & Calcium Lactate before going into the sun and after. Some have added in Tuna Omega-3 oil or Cataplex G. The results of doing these 2-3 supplements has been such an amazing support to myself, my son, my family as well as other clients. Not long ago a fair-skinned family traveled to Hawaii and came how with wonderful golden skin instead of the previous experiences of red, blisters and burns.
For specific dosing instructions and to find the best regimen, please
be sure to consult with your doctor or make an appointment to figure out what is right for you.
So, go enjoy your fun in the sun. Stay safe and be sure to support your body as you enjoy the time of year. We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you, help you keep your body healthy!
Nourishing Homemade Chocolate
What is it about nourishing homemade chocolate that sends me over the edge? Or maybe I
should just say chocolate for that matter. This is one indulgence that
I have that has been with me for the longest. Chocolate has been a part of my sweet tooth repertoire since I was small. There was even a time when I finally ate enough of this recipe that I was able to not eat some for a while. Shhh…don’t tell anybody that though.
So what is in this most delightful recipe? Three simple ingredients then modify to your hearts content. Literally…HA!
Nourishing Homemade Chocolate Recipe
½ cup Coconut Oil
½ cup Cocoa
¼ cup Honey (Local, unrefined is best. Raw is another option.)
Stir and enjoy!
I absolutely love to substitute palm shortening from Healthy Traditions. When I use this, I may sub all of the coconut oil or ½ coconut oil and ½ palm shortening. It’s a wonderful texture and a change to the types of fats I’m taking in.
I’ve also been known to add in a dash of cinnamon, cayenne pepper, cacao nibs, chopped nuts, etc. I also have a really nice black lava salt that is simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
What is your favorite addition to chocolate?
How to keep up with the kids
I often hear parents, mom’s specifically, talk about how they are having a hard time keeping up with their kids. They are tired, fatigued and are plain just stressed out after working all day and taking care of everyone. So what is it that changes when we have kids? Why is mom’s body breaking down?
Mom’s Body Post-Pregnancy
It’s amazing to me how many people take the changes that come with pregnancy as a fact of life and have [Continue Reading…]
Why do I have allergies?
I just googled this question and the results are “The exact causes of allergy symptoms are still being investigated. However, it is known that these are due to immune system pathways that lead to [Continue Reading…]
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