
Superfood Turmeric!

One Little Thing…Turmeric Root, fermented!

I’m not sure why but my son has been playing with the jar of Turmeric spice lately and I wasn’t sure why.

Superfood Turmeric

Superfood Turmeric

He would roll it around and say, “Look mommy, look at all the cracks.” He was watching the spice tumble in the jar and the way it would break and fall into the jar. The wonder and watchfulness of a 4 year old is something I learn from on a daily basis. What really struck me is that he kept going back to this jar on a nightly basis. Then it hit me…it’s the energy. He’s attracted to the energy that is coming from the seasoning. Now as mom, how do I get that into his body since he is resonating with it?

So what do I do? I call up my mom and let her know what my son is needing. My mother is amazing about recipes and such and starts sending me some different drink recipes and meals of things to start to incorporate this amazing root.

As the search continues for foods to ferment I run across this a recipe on a site about fermentation. Jackpot! So I head over to our local Whole Foods and buy a bunch of the stuff to ferment.

As I am getting drawn back into the original post I find that there is link to another post that outlines more of what turmeric can do for the body and OMG! When I first read the post what stood out to me was the pain relief that the she talked about for herself but as I went on into this post, I started to realize all of the other ways in which this miraculous root can benefit the body. I didn’t think it was going to be a superfood for me but now I’m realizing all that it can do. Here are the different subjects covered in the last post by authoritynutrition.com:

1. Turmeric Contains Bioactive Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties
2. Curcumin is a Natural Anti-Inflammatory Compound
3. Turmeric Dramatically Increases The Antioxidant Capacity of The Body
4. Curcumin Boosts Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Linked to Improved Brain Function and a Lower Risk of Brain Diseases
5. Curcumin Leads to Various Improvements That Should Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
6. Turmeric Can Help Prevent (And Perhaps Even Treat) Cancer
7. Curcumin May be Useful in Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s Disease
8. Arthritis Patients Respond Very Well to Curcumin Supplementation
9. Studies Show That Curcumin Has Incredible Benefits Against Depression
10. Curcumin May Help Delay Aging and Fight Age-Related Chronic Diseases

It’s made it’s way to the top of the list of things to incorporate for a healthy body, mind and spirit!

I invite you to explore the links and purchase your own container to ferment your own turmeric so you can avail yourself to this miraculous root and start to feed your body! That’s what a majority of the symptoms we experience are. They are the bodies signals that you are needing something. So, are you going to listen?

To your health!
Dr. Sarah

At least I did it? Right?

Well, we all know we should probably be doing things to handle our diet and our gut health, right?

I know I could be doing more. I’m working to prevent future disease that has affected my family already. So what is one thing you could do to make that change?

Today’s suggestion….

It's Empty

It’s Empty. I know. I didn’t think to take a picture before it was empty.

Is a recipe from picklemetoo.com. My grandmother’s 91st birthday party was a couple weeks ago and I thought applesauce would be a good desert to add to the soups we where having. If you know me, I just can’t make something without “tweaking” it a bit. I think I have scared off the extended family from trying anything I’ve made but hey, more for us, right?

So, I typed fermented applesauce into Google. Viola, this recipe seemed the most appealing.  Can we say, O M G! WOW! I’ve never ever had any type of applesauce quite like it. As it sat for a few extra days the flavors melded even more. And the experience of eating something that has no added sugars, wasn’t cooked AND contained probiotics, Boo-yah! Mom win! And, it went over extremely well with those in the family who where on the Whole 30!

Let’s just say as short and sweet as this is to eat…wait make…I’ll be making this one again this week. AND…. I’ll have some at the upcoming fermenting class with Forward Fitness STL on November 5th. (If it lasts that long. mwahahahaha) Maybe I should just go buy some more apples. What do you think?


Now that you are ready to try your very first ferment, head on over to probioticjar.com and get your jar today.

PS It’s not to late to sign-up for the class on November 5th. Click here to sign-up now.


**This post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing from these links helps support All Out Nutrition & Wellness, llc allowing me to share simple things with you that you can do. Thank you!**

Eat Your Veggies and Your Probiotics Too!!!

What is all of the talk about probiotics really about? Why are probiotics so important? All I hear about these days is gut health (or maybe not).

Have you ever had that gut instinct to do or not do something? Have you ever experienced the pain and nervousness that comes when you are worried or scared? Some would say that is your first brain. Personally, I would tend to agree with that. It’s also amazing to me how crazy people can act when they aren’t feeding themselves or when they are feeding themselves with foods that disrupt the body vs foods that nourish the body.

So what really are probiotics and why do we need them? Probiotics are microorganisms introduced into the body for their beneficial qualities. Unfortunately  due to our current agriculture methods and overuse of antibiotics our guts have taken the beating. It’s amazing when you start to think about all the ways our gut flora have been disrupted. From our birthing choices all the way to the anti-bacterial craze. Our bodies are covered with thousands if not millions of microorganisms and when we disrupt that balance, we suffer. Please say hello to a myriad of health issues that we are not dealing with. This starts from the bottom with constipation and diarrhea all the way to the top with PMS, depression, anxiety and ADHD. Autoimmune diseases, lung issues and even arthritis are included in those things linked to an unbalanced gastrointestinal flora. Disrupt the flora and you disrupt the body. The evidence lies in the health challenges we face and how they are handled once the flora comes into balance again. 

Fermenting our vegetables also increases the bioavailability of the nutrients found in those veggies. Preparing foods in different fashions increases the nutrient profile we are exposed to. And depending on your health status, there are some that are better or worse.

Did you know that there is an entire book called G.A.P.S or Gut and Psychology Syndrome that was designed as a natural treatment for Dyspraxia, Autism, ADD, Dyslexia, ADHD, Depression and Schizophrenia? This protocol is intense but the results can be astounding. I have personally utilized aspects of this to help repair my families and clients guts.

It’s amazing how the resources have exploded over the past few years for those who would like to add fermented foods to their diet without buying the huge German style Harsch crock or leaving things open with a towel over them as my mother’s family did. A couple of my favorites are the The Probiotic Jar and Pickl-it. These two companies have taken your good ole glass Fido jars, drilled a hole in the glass top and inserted a rubber seal. Fill it up with brine and vegetables then add your air-lock and viola! Easy, tasty, reliable ferments almost every time.

There are some many other techniques and ways of fermenting foods but vegetables and fido’s with airlocks has been the simplest, most rewarding, for me. Relatively cost effective and easy to do. Also noting the changes in my health and my families has been key.

When you are sourcing your items the most expensive pieces will be the jars. There are even ways around this depending on how you want to do it. I recommend buying a few of the cheaper assemblies or even just the lids from either company and they buying some Fido jars in bulk in various sizes. The reason for this is as you use up your ferment, you’ll want to be able to move it to smaller jars so you don’t leave to much oxygen in the container as that will spoil the food faster.

Your next cost is food, obviously. LOL. The best food would be organic and locally grown. Anything form your back yard or JP Tower Garden could be nice. Next step would be organic from a grocery store. If you are doing grocery store food I’d also add in Caldwell’s Starter Culture just to make sure the food will start to ferment as you aren’t sure from how far away the food has come and how “damaged” it is. Least desirable would be conventional food from the produce section of your local grocery store. You’ll most definitely want to use Caldwell’s in this case.  Frozen food or canned really isn’t an option as the frozen will become soggy when it melts and canned food is basically dead food.

Not sure if you would count salt as a cost for food or for it’s own. Most of the sites that you order from also have Hymilaian sea salt available for purchase and you’ll use this to create your brine. Last time we ordered, we ordered a 5 or 10 pound bag and split it up amongst a few of us. Let’s just say, I’ve had enough salt to last me for a few years. hehehe. Feel free to order when you order your jars. I’ve ordered from seasalt.com and have thoroughly enjoyed their products.

Final cost is potentially water…I wouldn’t use tap water but filtered for this process as the chlorine and fluoride both kill microbes and will not support a healthy ferment. If you have a water filter system at home, this may be sufficient otherwise you’ll want to purchase chlorine and fluoride free water.

If you’d like to learn how to do this in person, our next fermentation class will be held at Forward Fitness STL on November 5th at 12:15. We’ll be sampling as well as assembling your own ferment to take home. Please register for the class before October 22 here to reserve your spot and so we may acquire the supplies. The class will be limited to 15 participants so be sure to sign up soon. The cost of the class is $54.31 and will cover the cost of supplies and food.

You can purchase your own containers if you’d like to go ahead and get started. It’s a wonderful journey and I’d be happy to help you in deciding what is best for you to get started.

These are some of my successful resources in addition to the above.
Gaps: Gut and Psychology Syndrome

BO. Body Odor. Pits. Smelly Pits. Oh My!!

Why? Oh why do my pits stink?skunk-1239764_640

What is BO? Where does body odor come from? Why do we have to deal with our pits? Much less smelly pits! What is it about these things that makes us run or want to hide or shut that off faster than a leaky faucet?  The good news, the more you know the more you can do something about this. So,  let’s do a little rundown on body mechanics and the stuff we slather on our smelly areas once or sometimes twice a day. (If it’s more than that…seriously, make an appointment already.)

A simple google search reveals that most people are wondering why do your armpits sweat, burn, smell, sweat so much, smell bad etc.  Let’s start with “why do your armpits sweat.” Simply, they sweat because of the glands in your armpits and groin and on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. When the sweat comes in contact with bacteria on the skin, it can produce an odor, which may be stronger in some people than others.”

Okay…Keep up with me.

The glands that are located in your armpits are part of your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system assists the body in fighting infections and transportation of white blood cells, removing toxins, and transporting fats from the digestive system. The sweat glands that are located in the skin (all over the body) assist in regulating our temperature.

Now that you have a little understanding of what is happening in your pits, I’ll share my stinky pit story with you.

I don’t recall at what point it was growing up but I started to notice that I had smelly pits. Things definitely escalated in high school when I started playing more sports. Physical activity and of course, you are going to sweat. But the stink, oh my! Where did that smell come from? It was never relayed to me in such a way that I was able to put together that the reason my pits stank was because I was “dirty.” I say “dirty” in the sense that the micro biome of my body was out of balance. I’ve learned that as I continue to eat healthy that my body tends to not stink. I’m just a bit envious of those people who comment that they never wear anything. I mean really?!?!?! But, it is possible! I’ve come close a few times but I haven’t hit that level quite yet and if my diet isn’t in line or I’m extra stressed or my body is out of balance, the smell returns.

Along the way, I’ve learned quite a few things about deodorant, health and the ingredients that they put into our most beloved brands.

The first thing to doshells-1984293_640

The first ingredient to avoid is Aluminum. Aluminum is a toxic metal that builds up the body and leads to brain damage, nerve damage and cancer. Aluminum is found in your most common/popular brands.

So what now? There are so many options available. The trick is finding what works for you. I’ve had awesome luck making my own. I like the coconut oil variety. Three ingredients and super simple to whip-up.

The first deodorant I used was Mountain Fresh from Whole Foods. As I learned more and more about lake-865155_640ingredients, I decided I wanted something even cleaner. I’ve seen some people use the rock crystals with great luck and there is a store here in Maplewood, Maven, that makes some wonderfully scented options. A client introduced me to Herbalix. I haven’t had the pleasure of trying it out yet but I’m excited to hear about her experience with it.

What have you done to try to control your stinky pits? Bonus points if it improves health!

Post your favorites in the comments below!

Nourishing Bone Broth-How to

Nourishing Bone Broth

Bone broth is your most basic and nourishing food.  There is a lot of information in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. There is even an entire book devoted to broth.

There are also many blogs if you feel like looking for others or prefer internet links. Be sure to type “nourishing” in front of bone broth recipes to find ones that are done optimally. There is always controversy out there on ways to do it but these are the easiest I have found. If you run into histamine issues, etc then please check out…http://www.lovingourguts.com/gaps-basics-basic-bone-broth-tutorial-why-and-how-2/.

The basic recipe….

Chicken Broth

2 packages of organic, free-range chicken legs from Trader Joe’s (Or other chicken bones)
1 onion
2-4 carrots, chopped
1/2 bunch of celery chopped

Before Starting: cook the chicken legs as you prefer…roast in the oven, on the stove, etc. Remove the meat, reserve for eating. Save the bones, joints and skin for the broth pot.

Place all the ingredients in a crock pot. This is the one I currently use. I like that it switches over to warm if I am not home. 

Cover with fresh, filtered water. Just cover the veggies and bones…unless you want to drink it. You are diluting the nutrients with more water but then you have more to drink. If I am cooking with it, I prefer a more concentrated broth.
I currently use the Berkey system to remove most toxins. I also utilize the Flouride/Arsenic filters as I wish to remove the fluoride from my water. (PS Flouride is also in a few of the ADHD meds and was used by the Nazi’s in the concentration camps to keep people mellow. No Thanks!) www.berkeyfilters.com

Set the timer for 4 hours on high.

Once the broth is done, skim the veggies and discard. Drain the broth and save the bones. This is your first batch!

Cut new veggies. Add veggies, bones and new water to the crockpot. Cook for 6 hours. Remove broth. This is batch 2!

You can try for a third batch…I don’t like to drink it but it is suitable for cooking. Your choice.

You can now use the broth for cooking and drinking. You can also freeze it. I like to use the mold’s available at AmberSky so they are in convenient sizes.

How I can help you? How you can help me?

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me realize and put into words my passions. Without your insights, it may have taken me a very long time to figure things out.

Second, Thank you to those who have made this transition easier. It appears I have opened the doors a little more for those who weren’t able to see me because of the time commitments and conflicts with work and school.

Third, thank you to those who are helping me improve my business and spirituality. I don’t think one would show improvements without the others influence.

Ok. Ok. On with the post. 🙂

How can I help you?

In my last post, I let everyone know about my realized passion and purpose. How does that affect you? Well, how many families do you know that are trying to deal with ADHD, Allergies or Autism?

Are you a teacher, co-worker or employer? Do these kids/families take more of your time and attention because they are constantly having discipline issues or seeing the doctor or therapist? Do you have to cover for the parents or spend more time with the child?

What if these kids could be helped so that they aren’t causing a disruption or needing extra help all the time or missing school and needing to make things up? What if the parent’s weren’t missing work all the time for these issues?

How would that affect your life/company?

-More time to spend with family and less time with the school for discipline issues, tutors, etc.

-More productivity from the parents as there would be worrying less and taking less time away from work.

-For the schools, less time on discipline issues and trying to catch kids up because of missed work. Fewer disruptions in the classroom. A student who is more able to learn and easier to communicate with.

What other benefits could you see for yourself, the child, the school, or the employer?

How can you help me?

I’m looking to build relationships with the different schools and parents. The more I talk to people about these issues, the more I realize that people aren’t told they have options and alternatives. I have a greater understanding of what the drugs do to the child and their families. I also know there is a much safer way of addressing the bodily issues that kids are dealing with.

Hope. Safety. Improvement. These are the things I want to share with the kids, parents, and schools.

If you feel this is something that could benefit yourself, your child or your school, I would love an introduction to the child, parent, teacher, counselor and superintendent that you feel would be interested in an alternative.

Thank you for helping me help you.

Dr. Sarah

dr sarah wilmsmeyer


Dr. Sarah is a Doctor of Pharmacist and a professionally trained nutritionist helping people identify the root causes of illness and helping people find solutions. She specializes in communicating with the body and asking the body what it needs handled. For more information on how this could benefit you, please schedule an initial consultation and read the Patient Orientation.

Exciting Changes Taking Place

It’s always a little exciting as one decides to make changes so bare with me as I figure things out.  And, to keep everyone in the loop, I’ve decided to write a few posts so everyone can follow along.

My life has recently been undergoing a lot of changes and I’d like to share a few of those with you. But first I’d like to share my journey with you.

My passion has always been to help people. It all started out when I was in high school and did a career aptitude test as part of a personal finance class. The results came in from the test and I decided to check out a career as a pharmacist. It looked like a glorious idea. I’d be making lots of money and helping people manage their medications. So, I shadowed a pharmacist, did my report and decided to get a part-time job at a local grocer. I enjoyed helping people and learning about the mediations.

Next, I applied to pharmacy school. I only applied to one and was accepted straight out of high school. I also got a job at the local Veterans Administration Hospital. This was an amazing opportunity to be exposed to a different mode of pharmacy. I enjoyed learning about making IV’s and the way the hospital system worked. Unfortunately, the inability to transfer from one location to the next was a let down. So, on to the next place.

That summer, I was bagging groceries at the local grocer as there was a miscommunication with the pharmacy manager, thankfully, one of the pharmacists had a contact with another pharmacy and was able to help me get a job in another pharmacy. This pharmacy was great. I was able to work at many locations and still come home for the summer and vacations.

I learned a lot working for this company and was able to move up into management after I graduated. This company was good to me but I was starting to have some issues with the things I was seeing. One of those issues was the number of children on ADHD and psychiatric medications. The other was noticing how people seemed to abuse/over-use anti-anxiety and pain meds. (For more information on the Truth About Drugs, click here.) I couldn’t identify what it was about all of this that bothered me except that I knew it didn’t sit right with me.

So, we moved to St. Louis to pursue different opportunities. The first job I had, was a disaster but that is not for this post. The second job I found was great. I worked 9-5 with flexibility and didn’t have to interact with customers on a regular basis.

In the midst of all of this, I became a patient of Nutrition Response Testing. And had my light bulb moment. The chiropractor I was seeing was actually helping people get better with this method. I wasn’t, as a pharmacist. I decided then and there that this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to help people get better safely and naturally.

Ulan Nutritional Systems was coming to St. Louis to do a Basic workshop and I couldn’t wait. February 2010 rolled around and I was pumped to learn the new system. I attended the workshop, bought my kits to get started and signed up for the next two workshops. Each time I went to Florida, I was a little more inspired and a lot more excited. While attending a workshop, I was introduced to an organization called CCHR – Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Let’s just say this organization was an eye opener for me. It helped put a name and a reason to my dislike of the above mentioned pharmaceuticals.

It didn’t take long for me to sign-up for the Advanced Training. I’m a want to know it all kind of person so I continued my training as Nutrition Response Testing practitioner. I was also pregnant with my first child. I figured if I hurried up and built my business, I would be good to go. So I worked it and worked it. I thought I would be able to take a short maternity leave and continue to build my practice and reach hundreds of families. Let’s just say, love took me a different way.

Birthing my child was the most amazing and eye opening experiences of my life. The wonders of the human body where displayed right before my very eyes and my body helped to build this little bundle of joy. My heart swelled and I was overtaken with the love and desire to protect him and raise him. Unfortunately, the nutrition practice didn’t get the attention it deserved and didn’t grow as I had planned.

So, I had to restructure again and figure out what was best for my family. Come forward a few months further and I realized a lot had to be changed to create the life I desired for my child. So, the last 8 months have been a whirlwind as I try to create the life for my child that I have always envisioned. I’m thankful I have the ability and guidance to make my dreams become  a reality. The how-t0 of the dream has changed but never the ultimate goal. Which brings me to my current change.

I have decided to dedicate the next few years of my life to learning a most awesome gift, giving back and making amends for the past for the future of our civilization. I am dedicating a great portion of my existence to the Church and to helping others on a path to spiritual freedom.

In order to fit everything in, I am changing my schedule. I will still see clients but it will be in the evenings and on the weekends. I can’t let the first passion go but am growing to fit in more. Now is a good time in my life to allow for this spiritual expansion.

I ask that you stick with me and help me help as many families as I can. I’ve also recently been able to narrow down who I REALLY want to help. I’ve always wanted to help the children and specifically those who have the largest need.

Who are these kids?

These are the kids affected by ADHD, Allergies and Autism. Why this group of kids? Because these children have the most to gain from what I do. They are the one’s that the medical community has the hardest time addressing and actually getting better. For ADHD-take Ritalin or Adderall. For Allergies-here is your rescue inhaler, that doesn’t control your symptoms? Let’s add a steroid or other long-acting inhaler. Autism-let’s put you on this medication to help control your outbursts.

I am not satisfied with the way the typical treatment for these conditions progress. I want to help these families find answers. Answers that the body contains but need to be unlocked.

Is what I do for everyone? NO, but for those who are open to an alternative approach, it can open the door to an amazing journey.

Thank you for helping me continue to give back to the world around me.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Learn More About Dr. Sarah Wilmsmeyer

My name is Dr. Sarah Wilmsmeyer, and I used to be a pharmacist. However, a few years ago, I was introduced to nutritional response testing, and I realized that helping people get healthy is where my true passions lie. Rather than go on and on about myself, I think this video (along with the rest of the site) sums it up pretty well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.


Dr. Sarah


Put a full stop to snoring-causes, symptoms and treatments for snoring

Many people in the world are faced by the problem of snoring. Majority think that snoring is a male problem not knowing that there are also some women who snore though rare. Snoring is the hoarse sound one produces while sleeping which is caused by the obstruction of the respiratory canal and systems. More than half of adults snore while sleeping. This may be very annoying to the partner when together in bed especially when the partner is not used to it.

Causes of snoring

Basically the ‘snore sound’ is caused when the air which we breathe passes through relaxed tissues of the respiratory system causing the tissue to vibrate producing an irritating hoarse sound. The following are the common causes of snoring:

  1. Alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption is believed to be one of the common causes of snoring to a person if consumed in excess. Alcohol makes the tissues to be relaxed making the air passing across these tissues to vibrate producing the irritating sound.

  1. Mouth anatomy.

Your mouth anatomy can also be one of the causes of snoring. People who are plump may have extra tissues at the back of their throats making the windpipe narrower. Hence, when air is breathed it causes the tissues to vibrate and as a result we have snoring.

  1. Nasal problems.

Nasal problems like having twisted nostrils may also contribute to snoring.

Symptoms of snoring

The symptoms associated with snoring are as follows:

  • Restlessness during sleep.
  • Sore throat.
  • Chest pains especially at night.
  • Gasping while asleep.
  • Unconsciously producing unwanted sounds while sleeping.

If the above symptoms are persistent one is advised to immediately seek medical advice for further check-up. This is because if this problem is taken lightly it may persist for a very long period. However, if you go for treatment early after realizing the problem the problem might be solved completely.

There are several methods that can be used to treat or relatively reduce the frequency of the snoring problem. In the next part I will cover several of this treatment methods.


I am going to recommend several tips that could help one reduce if not totally stop snoring. They include:

  • Using oral appliances that could assist in straightening your tissues in the throat to allow free air passage.
  • Working out to reduce weight.
  • Changing the sleeping position into a way that the air we breathe passes without obstruction.
  • Avoid taking alcohol before going to sleep.

Things women should do to reduce heart disease

Heart disease remains one of the world’s most serious problems in our modern society, with almost twice as many women at risk compared to men.

While we do know that exercise is vital to keeping our hearts healthy, for women this is not always as easy as it seems. Mothers may have busy lifestyles with their children but this does not provide enough to help the heart so the potential risks are far higher than you would expect.

Exercise and diet are essential to providing a healthy heart, but there are few of us that actually manage to take in the right nutrition on a daily basis. Despite there being many supplements available, it can be difficult to determine exactly where you may benefit.

So what can women do to improve their chances? How can we prevent the spread of heart disease within our busy lives and ensure we get the nutrition we actually need?

Helpful tips to reduce heart disease

Here we shall look at the basic principles you can use to improve your life and health in a way that is best suited to you:

  • Though a vital tool for many women, mothers who are working and even those who have to stay at home and look after the children, Automobiles are possibly one of the greatest factors in the rise of heart disease. Where once we were more active, we now rely on the car to do the simplest of tasks… Why not leave it at home and enjoy a brisk walk or even hop on a bicycle.

The benefits will become very apparent in a short space of time. Simple and regular exercise provides many benefits in the long term.

  • Changing your diet does not mean giving up those foods you love; in fact the opposite is true! All you need to do is actually work out how much you take in and adjust it accordingly. The problem with many of our favourite foods is that they are often “addictive” in a subconscious way. Teaching yourself to eat them less takes time – However many dieticians tend to advise you to avoid them at all costs.

It’s not true, you can just change the way you think about it so that the craving does not control you, and you control it! Instead of reaching for a hamburger when you want a snack, opt for a carrot instead and reward yourself with a burger for the evening… It is far easier to change the thought process than eliminate your favourite foods.

When heart disease becomes a chronic condition, it is all the more important to consider how you can change your lifestyle.  There are many medications and therapies available but not everything will be suited to everyone.

  • While vitamins and supplements may be helpful, they are often not as effective as they only contain a small amount of the nutrients you need. Even if a product claims to “natural” they only require a small amount of the “Active Product” to be classed in this way.

It is better to seek whole food alternatives where you will get the proper amount of nutrients and even improve your entire diet.

  • In keeping with this worry, there are now companies also offering Nutrition Response Testing (NRT). A proven scientific theory that allows for you to know exactly what kind of nutrients you may be lacking and providing a guide as to what your body needs.

While it may be easy to just drop into the local drugstore and pick up a pack of multi vitamins, you can have too much of a good thing!

While our bodies can cope with excess vitamins well, it is better to have a personalised guide which is what NRT can do for you. By only taking in the vitamins and nutrients you need, you will improve your overall body health. Your body has less work to do dealing with the excess for a start.

So these are a just a small number of possibilities for ladies to improve their chances of combating heart disease. There are a wide variety of things you can do and may not even realise just how simple they are.

Keys to heart disease prevention include lowering cholesterol , exercising, controlling high blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, and most importantly, quitting smoking. If you or one of your family members experience heart disease, do not panic. Consult a heart specialist right away. All it takes is a little effort and some willpower and we may even see an end to this condition.