Premature menopause-symptomps and prevention guide

Menopause is when your menstruation periods stop for more than twelve months straight. For many women, menopause usually takes place between the ages of forty and sixty. But, because of illness, medical procedures or genetics, some women experience menopause before the age of forty. Whether induced or natural, menopause that happens before forty is called premature menopause. It is also known as premature ovarian failure.


Symptoms of premature menopause

Signs of premature menopause are typically the very same as those experienced by females undergoing normal menopause and could include

  • Hot flashes
  • Periods that are lighter or heaver than usual
  • Missed or irregular periods

These signs indicate that the ovaries are making less estrogen. In addition to symptoms listed above, some women may face:

  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Reduced sex drive
  • loss of bladder control
  • Dry mouth, eyes or skin
  • Mood swings
  • Mild depression
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Breast tenderness

Besides symptoms stated above, if you are under the age of forty and encounter any of the conditions below, visit your doctor to find out whether you are experiencing premature menopause:

  • You or one of your family members experienced autoimmune disorder such as Graves’ disease, lupus, or hypothyroidism.
  • Your sister or mother had premature menopause
  • You’ve gone through radiation or chemotherapy
  • You have ever vainly tried to become pregnant more than one year.

Steps in preventing premature menopause

The good news is there is treatment available for premature menopause. However, there is a popular adage that tells “prevention is better than cures.” Below are some the helpful steps that will help you prevent premature menopause.

1) Follow a routine workout program. 30 minutes of brisk walking everyday induces your body to discharge natural chemical called endorphins, which guarantee you a sense of well-being.

2) Make positive lifestyle changes to prevent premature menopause. This involves eating a healthy diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits and foods that have iron, folic acid, calcium, and protein. Severe diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, must be supervised closely, as they cause premature delivery.

3) Understand your emotions. Feelings of anxiety, sadness, confusion and irritability can become devastating. You can easily avoid the adverse effects if you have the ability to control the negative emotions. Seek a support group. Socializing with others will help you get rid of boredom and enable you express your views with others. In this way, you can get rid of negative feelings and thoughts.

4) Cultivate the habit of taking calcium supplement daily and eat healthy foods. This will help lower high osteoporosis and cholesterol level.

5) Decrease the consumption of spices, caffeine and alcohols. Instead, drink cool water.

6) If you experience premature menopause, consult your physician and find out whether you should take whole-food supplements. In addition to hormone replacement therapy, whole-food supplements provide other benefits to your health.

7) Consider following a solid sleep routine. A good night’s sleep can help minimize insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and depression. If your efforts to improve sleeping habit fail, you can seek medical treatment to maintain good sleeping habits.

How to prevent hair loss

Most of us lose a lot of strays every day, however if you’ve discovered a growing number of falling out after brushing your hair or in the shower, stop the cycle before it gets out of your control. Hair loss problem seems to be extremely common these days. Common causes of hair loss are nutritional deficiencies, tension, dry skin, extreme oiliness of the scalp, thyroid discrepancy, ailment, as well as hair damages due to hair dyeing or coloring, straightening, perming, and bleaching.

Here are a couple things to remember in preventing hair loss.

Take protein rich foods

First off, you need to know that the food you eat will affect the health of your hair and hence your hair fall. If you have a diet that is complete in proteins like almonds, yogurt, grain, chick and eggs, these will be normally enough to stop hair loss. It’s recommended that you have a high fat diet plan to start thinking of consuming healthier meals as this will reduce the testosterone degree which is connected to hair fall.

Get a head massage

Make sure you massage your scalp for a couple of minutes daily to stimulate circulation. Excellent circulation in the scalp tries to keep hair roots active, and the circulation can be enhanced with massage using a couple of drops of bay essential or lavender oil in sesame or an almond oil base.

Don’t over heat your hair

Change your hair dryer on low and cool settings, and reduce the use of flat irons. Do not color your hair more than 1 or 2 shades its typical color. You will require more chemicals if you change color frequently. So, it is advisable not to use more chemicals which can easily make your hair crack. If you use hair spray or hair gel, don’t hang around for it to dry before you comb as it may harden hair and hence can cause hair damage.


Green tea is full of antioxidants which protect against hair fall and boost hair development. If you are experiencing severe hair fall, try applying lukewarm green tea, normally two sacks brewed in one cup of water on your scalp and leave this mix on for an hour and then wash.

Practice meditation

The root cause for hair loss is tension and stress. Not just to hair, stress is detrimental to your health as well. If it continues, the hair loss trend can last more than twelve weeks.  Some of the stress factors which are linked to hair loss are major illnesses, surgeries, the loss of a loved person, financial problems, child birth, intense work related stress and divorce. Meditation can play a great role in reducing stress and restoring hormonal balance.

Seven reasons to avoid diet soda.

You might think that drinking diet soda is a healthy alternative to taking calorie-rich regular soft drinks if you’re worried about your waistline. This sweet choice could appear as innocent as calorie-free water; however, a research reveals that it could be just as unhealthy to your body as consuming regular soft drink. In some cases, it might be even worse for you.

Here are seven more reasons to give up diet soda:

It messes with your skin

Consuming diet soda can ruin your skin because it decreases your PH levels. As a result, you may have pimples all around your face. According to Dr. Jeanette Graf, we need a high level of alkaline in order to make our bodies healthy.  The doctor suggests his patient to avoid all sorts of soda drinks including diet soda.

Soda decays your tooth

The International Center for Complete Dentistry alerts that diet sodas are as acidic as regular soft drinks, implying that their regular consumption can cause tooth decay.

It damages your Kidney

With just two servings of diet soda each day, you are likely to pose a serious risk to your kidney. Research participants who consumed two or more diet sodas per day had a kidney function decline of thirty percent or more. The study also revealed that those who drank diet soda had less kidney blood filtering capacity than those who consume regular soft drinks.

Diet soda triggers diabetes and heart disease 

Excessive consumption of diet soda triggers diabetics and heart diseases.

It causes dehydration

Some people drink diet soda in lieu of water. Caffeine is a diuretic; therefore sodas with caffeine will cause dehydration.

You are at risk for metabolic syndrome

Drinking diet sodas has actually been connected with metabolic disorder, alerts the American Diabetic Association. Some other popular research such as the Framingham Heart Stud, along with the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study reveals that if you consume diet drink, or eat too much fried foods or meat, you are at high risk for metabolic syndrome.

Diet drinks is responsible for weight gain

Contrary to the popular belief, diet soda is heavily responsible for gaining weight. The San Antonio Heart Study discovers that the more diet soda you take, the higher the chance that you be obese. For each diet drinks you consume there is a sixty five percent increase in your risk of gaining weight.

There are still many other reasons why you should not rely on diet soda in losing weight. I recommend you drink plenty of water, get enough rest, do some light exercises and watch out your diet if you are serious about burning fat.

Negative impacts of hormones on our food

What are hormones?

Hormones are natural chemicals that are available in the bodies of all animals, including human beings. Although hormones can be produced in small amounts, they play an important role in controlling vital body functions such as development, reproduction and growth.

Hormones have various chemistry and can be steroids or proteins. When taken orally, steroid hormones are active in the body.  For example, birth control pills are regarded as steroid hormones. They can be taken by mouth. On the other hand, protein hormones are dissolved in the stomach, and lose their capacity to act in the body when taken by mouth. As a result, protein hormones are usually injected into the body to have an impact. Insulin, for example, is a protein hormone and it is injected in the body of diabetic patients for treatment.

Negative impacts

Growth hormones are given to cattle in order to make them gain weight quicker, hence producing meat goods for consumers.  These types of hormones also enhance milk production.

While meat and dairy industries rely on using growth hormones for improved productivity and a huge profit, these hormones can pose a lot of health related threats for humans.

Early Puberty in Girls

Early adolescence may be connected with some kind of growth hormones that are usually used in mild products and meat. Some researchers reveal that growth hormones, in particular, lead young girls to go through puberty too soon, an incident connected with higher risk for breast cancer later on. If you are worried about these possible adverse effects of growth hormones, look for dairy products or meats that are hormone-free

Increased Risk for Breast Cancer

Because of the use of steroid hormones in food, some researchers and consumers worry that the risk of getting breast cancer may increase. This concern is validated by an expert called Andrew Weil. He says that the foods that contain growth hormones pose a greater risk in getting breast cancer.  However, the experts clarifies that the U.S department of Agriculture does not permit the use of hormones in chickens, raising hogs and turkeys or various other fowl. Therefore, you can consume meats and various other foods stemmed from these animals if you are worried about getting breast cancer.

Growth hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, are used 2/3 of all American sheep and cattle. Foods that are labeled “no hormones administered.” are expensive, but they are devoid of hormone related risks.

Increased Risk for Prostate Cancer

Consumers and researchers are also worry that growth hormones in food might increase the danger for prostrate cancer. According to an Australian researchers named Mike Waters, from University of Queensland, discovered that obstructing certain growth hormones can lower the risk for prostrate cancer. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid foods that contain high amount of growth hormones.

Some experts at Cornell University recommend consuming meat and dairy products in small amounts increasing your consumption of vegetables and fruits, and cooking meats without charring or burning them to lower your consumption of steroid hormones and improve health.

Nutrition response testing

Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition response testing also called Functional Medicine and similar to Applied Kinesiology is an accurate, specific and non-invasive approach of testing, evaluating and fixing nutritional imbalances in the body.

This technology also acquires important information about physical function from the autonomic nervous system. Autonomic describes something that happens involuntarily. Physical functions like digestive systems, immune response, eye blinking, hormone regulation and heart and breathing rates are controlled by the ANS. There are 2 controls:

1. Sympathetic

2. Parasympathetic

Regard our body’s accelerator as sympathetic control and brake as parasympathetic control.  These systems work effectively when our bodies are healthy and in balance. The sympathetic controls when we are energetic while the parasympathetic when we are taking rest.

These regulators are liable for healthy performance, including our capacity to recover. It is when there is an imbalance, clog or obstruction that we experience symptoms such as allergic reactions, indigestion, hypertension, persistent pain, headaches and so forth. These imbalances can be remedied securely, naturally and successfully by accessing the ANS.

The 3-p method and five stressors

3-p describes how the Nutrition Response Testing technique is personalized, powerful and painless. This proven technique permits us to properly identify exactly what stands in the way between you and improved health.

Generally, you will be tested for the following five stressors with Nutrition Response Testing:

  • Food sensitivities
  • Chemical challenges
  • Metal challenges
  • Scars
  • Immune challenges

These stressors can prevent your body from recovering. Many of you have actually experienced this without maybe realizing it. Nutrition Response Testing enables the specialist to check you by making use of the “stressors” to disclose and then eliminate these obstacles.

Once those are handled the rest of your organs are checked. Then the priority reflex is figured out. This step is important to Nutrition Response Testing.

The outcome is a customized health enhancement program that resolves your body’s imbalances and fixes its operation. Our objectives are two-fold: accomplishing great health and feeling good.

Accessing ANS

We use a standardized kind of applied kinesiology, generally known as muscle testing. In the hands of experts, this very dependable technique of analysis offers the practitioner vital details about your body’s requirements for sound health. Book reading and medical experience, which are the total amount of theoretical and informed knowledge, can help us get near to what may be needed to identify the solution to your health problems.

However what distinguishes Nutrition Response Testing from various other treatment approaches is the important information acquired from the body itself or, as we state, accessing the body’s innate intelligence in order to discover the accurate answers to your health problems.

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How your diet can help with allergies? Find out the answer!

Many of us suffer from allergic reactions. Allergies may come from animal dander, dust, pollen, foods and various other substances that your immune system considers a risk. There are natural means to ward off allergies if you do not wish to take allergy medicines. You can lower your body’s immune system response to allergens by adding some foods to your diet plan that have been revealed to help allergic reactions and their symptoms.

How your diet can help with allergies?

Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day to fight allergies. Water flushes off toxins and allergens that trigger sensitive responses. Your body produces mucus to help clear your body of allergens when they reach respiratory tract where they cause sneezing, blockage and runny nose. Consuming ample amounts of water helps thin the mucus for easier ejection and minimized symptoms.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids lower swelling and antibodies that induce immune system responses to allergens. A health related website,, says fish is an exceptional source of omega-3 fatty acids. The sources of omega-3 fatty acids consist of not only fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna, but also canola oil and walnuts.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetable are loaded with nutrients that provide potent disease-fighting benefits. A stdy reveals that you can reduce your allergy symptoms if you increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Researchers also found that vegetable and fruit=rich diet help protect from asthma and rhinitis. Consume oranges, apples, leafy greens, tomatoes, red grapes, routinely for better results.

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids and minimize inflammation in the body. Many individuals grind flax seeds and eat them with cereal. Consuming flax seeds every day is very helpful in treating and preventing allergies. Many people also eat flax seeds for weight reduction.

Vitamin C
Foods that are highly useful to fight allergies contain vitamin C. Vitamin C can be found in potatoes, red peppers, limes oranges, lemons and green peppers.

Carrots are loaded with beta carotene, which is a natural anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants lower the swelling response caused by allergic reactions. Furthermore, anti-oxidants combat free radicals, which are liable for inflammation that triggers allergic reactions and heart problems.

Some people say that yogurt may be useful in lowering allergy symptoms. A research revealed that people who consumed seven oz. of yogurt everyday suffered fewer symptoms than those who did not eat any. Yogurt includes helpful bacteria that improve the immune system enabling it to better hold up against allergens. Yogurt also helps fight colds and various other dangerous infections.

The ah-ha moment that changed it all.

March 1, 2011

Dr. Freddie Ulan, DC, CCN
Founder and Chairman

Ulan Nutritional Services
1170 NE Cleveland Street
Clearwater, FL 33755

Dear Dr Ulan,

I wanted to write you and let you know how amazing it is that I stumbled across your work. I moved to St Louis because I was looking for more job opportunities as a pharmacist. I wasn’t happy in my current position so I put my house on the market and moved into an apartment in Creve Coeur.  At the time I didn’t realize it was the medical model of sick-care that I was really having a problem with.

Ever since college I have been an avid chiropractic patient. When the time came for me to find a practitioner in St Louis I did a search and found Metro Chiropractic was the closest to my apartment. I called them up to set up my initial appointment and in closing they informed me that they had recently moved. I decided to go ahead and see if I liked the office even though they had moved and were a little further away now.

As I continued along my chiropractic plan, Dr. Rob informed me of another service he offered in nutrition. I wasn’t really looking for anything like that so didn’t get an initial consult. When I got to the point I wasn’t improving for a couple months Dr. Rob suggested I get an initial consultation again. This time I decided to give it a try; I figured I didn’t have anything to lose.

At the Report of Findings visit I was informed that my body was functioning as that of a 70 year old. What? Excuse me?  How can that be? At that moment I thought about my parents and their current health statues and knew I didn’t want to end up sick so I started a program. It was time for me to move into the health-care model.

During one particular visit (about 2 months into treatment) I suddenly had this overwhelming realization that this method was truly helping people find health and get healthy.  I felt this sense of relief wash over me that I had found something to truly help people and this overwhelming urge to learn more about this work. I was able to attend the Basic workshop here in St. Louis that February, only a short time after this light bulb moment. (It really was like that-a switch went on in my head that couldn’t be turned off.)

After the first workshop, I knew there was more I needed to learn so I immediately signed up for the next two courses, purchased the basic testing & supplement kits. The Patient Management Workshop and Intermediate workshop.  These workshops required travel to Clearwater, Florida. Florida-no problem!  While I was in Florida, your company opened my eyes to a whole nother world that had not presented itself to me. I am forever thankful for the care and attention that was shown to me as a practitioner and as a human being. Your staff helped lift me from the darkness and into the bright open world. Thank you!

I am simply amazed that there is a system that allows the practitioner to “listen and read” the body to find out the underlying issues keeping them sick and holding them back from optimum health. And then the body can tell us EXACTLY what it needs to get better. To realize that I have found Nutrition Response Testing, a way to help people achieve a happier, healthier way of life, is mind-blowing. I now know there are answers to parents’ woes when it comes to dealing with a “labeled” child. Or that we can help the determined clean-up and rebuild their bodies to unrealized health. We don’t have to be part of the sick and dying, we can be healthy once more. To this knowledge I owe everything.

Forever and always,

Dr. Sarah Wilmsmeyer, PharmD