
How to keep up with the kids

I often hear parents, mom’s specifically, talk about how they are having a hard time keeping up with theirchild-2029513_640 kids. They are tired, fatigued and are plain just stressed out after working all day and taking care of everyone. So what is it that changes when we have kids? Why is mom’s body breaking down?

Mom’s Body Post-Pregnancy

It’s amazing to me how many people take the changes that come with pregnancy as a fact of life and have [Continue Reading…]

Why do I have allergies?

I just googled this question and the results are “The exact causes of allergy symptoms are still being investigated. However, it is known that these are due to immune system pathways that lead to [Continue Reading…]

Our future…

child-89208_1920Have you looked at the current health status of our children? Are you worried about it? If you are then this post is for you.

[Continue Reading…]

Eat Your Veggies and Your Probiotics Too!!!

What is all of the talk about probiotics really about? Why are probiotics so important? All I hear about these days is gut health (or maybe not).

Have you ever had that gut instinct to do or not do something? Have you ever experienced the pain and nervousness that comes when you are worried or scared? Some would say that is your first brain. Personally, I would tend to agree with that. It’s also amazing to me how crazy people can act when they aren’t feeding themselves or when they are feeding themselves with foods that disrupt the body vs foods that nourish the body.

So what really are probiotics and why do we need them? Probiotics are microorganisms introduced into the body for their beneficial qualities. Unfortunately  due to our current agriculture methods and overuse of antibiotics our guts have taken the beating. It’s amazing when you start to think about all the ways our gut flora have been disrupted. From our birthing choices all the way to the anti-bacterial craze. Our bodies are covered with thousands if not millions of microorganisms and when we disrupt that balance, we suffer. Please say hello to a myriad of health issues that we are not dealing with. This starts from the bottom with constipation and diarrhea all the way to the top with PMS, depression, anxiety and ADHD. Autoimmune diseases, lung issues and even arthritis are included in those things linked to an unbalanced gastrointestinal flora. Disrupt the flora and you disrupt the body. The evidence lies in the health challenges we face and how they are handled once the flora comes into balance again. 

Fermenting our vegetables also increases the bioavailability of the nutrients found in those veggies. Preparing foods in different fashions increases the nutrient profile we are exposed to. And depending on your health status, there are some that are better or worse.

Did you know that there is an entire book called G.A.P.S or Gut and Psychology Syndrome that was designed as a natural treatment for Dyspraxia, Autism, ADD, Dyslexia, ADHD, Depression and Schizophrenia? This protocol is intense but the results can be astounding. I have personally utilized aspects of this to help repair my families and clients guts.

It’s amazing how the resources have exploded over the past few years for those who would like to add fermented foods to their diet without buying the huge German style Harsch crock or leaving things open with a towel over them as my mother’s family did. A couple of my favorites are the The Probiotic Jar and Pickl-it. These two companies have taken your good ole glass Fido jars, drilled a hole in the glass top and inserted a rubber seal. Fill it up with brine and vegetables then add your air-lock and viola! Easy, tasty, reliable ferments almost every time.

There are some many other techniques and ways of fermenting foods but vegetables and fido’s with airlocks has been the simplest, most rewarding, for me. Relatively cost effective and easy to do. Also noting the changes in my health and my families has been key.

When you are sourcing your items the most expensive pieces will be the jars. There are even ways around this depending on how you want to do it. I recommend buying a few of the cheaper assemblies or even just the lids from either company and they buying some Fido jars in bulk in various sizes. The reason for this is as you use up your ferment, you’ll want to be able to move it to smaller jars so you don’t leave to much oxygen in the container as that will spoil the food faster.

Your next cost is food, obviously. LOL. The best food would be organic and locally grown. Anything form your back yard or JP Tower Garden could be nice. Next step would be organic from a grocery store. If you are doing grocery store food I’d also add in Caldwell’s Starter Culture just to make sure the food will start to ferment as you aren’t sure from how far away the food has come and how “damaged” it is. Least desirable would be conventional food from the produce section of your local grocery store. You’ll most definitely want to use Caldwell’s in this case.  Frozen food or canned really isn’t an option as the frozen will become soggy when it melts and canned food is basically dead food.

Not sure if you would count salt as a cost for food or for it’s own. Most of the sites that you order from also have Hymilaian sea salt available for purchase and you’ll use this to create your brine. Last time we ordered, we ordered a 5 or 10 pound bag and split it up amongst a few of us. Let’s just say, I’ve had enough salt to last me for a few years. hehehe. Feel free to order when you order your jars. I’ve ordered from seasalt.com and have thoroughly enjoyed their products.

Final cost is potentially water…I wouldn’t use tap water but filtered for this process as the chlorine and fluoride both kill microbes and will not support a healthy ferment. If you have a water filter system at home, this may be sufficient otherwise you’ll want to purchase chlorine and fluoride free water.

If you’d like to learn how to do this in person, our next fermentation class will be held at Forward Fitness STL on November 5th at 12:15. We’ll be sampling as well as assembling your own ferment to take home. Please register for the class before October 22 here to reserve your spot and so we may acquire the supplies. The class will be limited to 15 participants so be sure to sign up soon. The cost of the class is $54.31 and will cover the cost of supplies and food.

You can purchase your own containers if you’d like to go ahead and get started. It’s a wonderful journey and I’d be happy to help you in deciding what is best for you to get started.

These are some of my successful resources in addition to the above.
Gaps: Gut and Psychology Syndrome

BO. Body Odor. Pits. Smelly Pits. Oh My!!

Why? Oh why do my pits stink?skunk-1239764_640

What is BO? Where does body odor come from? Why do we have to deal with our pits? Much less smelly pits! What is it about these things that makes us run or want to hide or shut that off faster than a leaky faucet?  The good news, the more you know the more you can do something about this. So,  let’s do a little rundown on body mechanics and the stuff we slather on our smelly areas once or sometimes twice a day. (If it’s more than that…seriously, make an appointment already.)

A simple google search reveals that most people are wondering why do your armpits sweat, burn, smell, sweat so much, smell bad etc.  Let’s start with “why do your armpits sweat.” Simply, they sweat because of the glands in your armpits and groin and on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. When the sweat comes in contact with bacteria on the skin, it can produce an odor, which may be stronger in some people than others.”

Okay…Keep up with me.

The glands that are located in your armpits are part of your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system assists the body in fighting infections and transportation of white blood cells, removing toxins, and transporting fats from the digestive system. The sweat glands that are located in the skin (all over the body) assist in regulating our temperature.

Now that you have a little understanding of what is happening in your pits, I’ll share my stinky pit story with you.

I don’t recall at what point it was growing up but I started to notice that I had smelly pits. Things definitely escalated in high school when I started playing more sports. Physical activity and of course, you are going to sweat. But the stink, oh my! Where did that smell come from? It was never relayed to me in such a way that I was able to put together that the reason my pits stank was because I was “dirty.” I say “dirty” in the sense that the micro biome of my body was out of balance. I’ve learned that as I continue to eat healthy that my body tends to not stink. I’m just a bit envious of those people who comment that they never wear anything. I mean really?!?!?! But, it is possible! I’ve come close a few times but I haven’t hit that level quite yet and if my diet isn’t in line or I’m extra stressed or my body is out of balance, the smell returns.

Along the way, I’ve learned quite a few things about deodorant, health and the ingredients that they put into our most beloved brands.

The first thing to doshells-1984293_640

The first ingredient to avoid is Aluminum. Aluminum is a toxic metal that builds up the body and leads to brain damage, nerve damage and cancer. Aluminum is found in your most common/popular brands.

So what now? There are so many options available. The trick is finding what works for you. I’ve had awesome luck making my own. I like the coconut oil variety. Three ingredients and super simple to whip-up.

The first deodorant I used was Mountain Fresh from Whole Foods. As I learned more and more about lake-865155_640ingredients, I decided I wanted something even cleaner. I’ve seen some people use the rock crystals with great luck and there is a store here in Maplewood, Maven, that makes some wonderfully scented options. A client introduced me to Herbalix. I haven’t had the pleasure of trying it out yet but I’m excited to hear about her experience with it.

What have you done to try to control your stinky pits? Bonus points if it improves health!

Post your favorites in the comments below!